Garden Art

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The current garden trend has shown an increased awareness for highly creative quality outdoor rooms.Square concrete patios and simple decks seem a thing of the past.We are now dressing up these once purely functional amenities with art, garden art, a limitless broad category of possibilities.

We often find ourselves either designing a custom piece of art, or sourcing just right one.We have designed and fabricated custom fountains, light fixtures, sculptures, stone and wood benches, pergolas, arbors, railings and more.All have been carefully thought out and skillfully executed.

Just as any interior room, the garden itself is art, where each element effects’ the other and material selection is key.What is the right material, finish and color… all are decisions that have to be thought out with advanced knowledge how each will impact the other.We recently designed and built a job with beautiful 12” x 24” granite pavers and a large 48” square granite fountain.Our previous phases of work had already incorporated four different types of limestone as well as basalt boulders, so the introduction to yet another material and color was one carefully considered and decided.In the end we had added five new stone types, in addition to the ones already used.The entry walk and stone fountain can be seen below.

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Here are more examples of garden art from a few of our projects.You can also browse through the portfolio page and other photos found within our web site.

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